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Deoxys Guide

Saturday, 06 May 2023, Views: 799

Hello MagePs Players!!

 Welcome To The Deoxys Guide!!

To start out on the Deoxys Raid you will need 30 zones1 & 5 zones2 completed 100% also you will need at least 3 members in your team, 1 of each player in your team will have to use a different type of combat style these will be, Mage,Range and Melee with at least 1 Interdimensional Key per raid and plenty of food (class5).

Once you have found your team mates and geared up and ready to fight Deoxys you have to teleport to the raids area by using the simple command ::raids, once you have done that right click on the Dormant Deoxy, talk to him and he will give you a Party Scroll, once you have that item in your inventory you can now right click the Party Scroll and use it on your team mates to invite them into your raid party to fight Deoxys!!!

There're 3 Deoxys Bosses that you can fight, once you and your team has entered the raid it will choose for you weather you fight Defence,Speedy or Attack Deoxys with a 33% chance. 

Defender HP = 1.5b HP

Speedy HP = 1.25B HP 

Attack HP = 1B HP

For each individual Deoxys Boss you will need to stand in a certain place to be able to attack the Deoxys it has chosen for you. (Picture shown below)

When fighting Defence Deoxys it has the highest Defence of the 3 and has "low" accuracy attacks.

When fighting Speedy Deoxys it will have the most amount of attacks of the 3 and some accurate some not. (middle amount of defence)

When fighting the Attack Deoxys he will have the most frequent attacks, meaning high attack, so high accuracy but lowest defence of the 3.

Max hit for Defender Deoxys = 150

Max hit for Attack Deoxys = 200

Max hit for Speedy Deoxys = 200

All the normal attacks for all 3 styles of Deoxys will be AoE slaps.

Defender Deoxys slaps every 8 ticks since he's hit slow with a poke, but can double hit you. 50% chance to hit 0 also a 50% chance to double hit.

Attack Deoxys slaps every 6 ticks hit 1-200 100% of the time.

Speedy Deoxys slaps every 4 ticks, but 50% chance of hitting 0 and max.

When fighting any of the 3 Deoxys bosses it will have a "Protection Pray"(over its head) which is where if the attacker of that style(range,melee,mage) doesn't stop attacking it will heal that Deoxys Boss with the damage he does instead of inflicting it, the pray that he protects changes every 30ticks.

This is the best bit you've all been waiting for, what does Deoxys drop?!?! 

Range-Mage-Melee Boots

Range-Mage-Melee Boots

Range-Mage-Melee boots

Range-Mage-Melee boots

Range-Mage-Melee Shields

Range-Mage-Melee Shields

Morphed Weapon (Must be worn to operate to change between styles)

Morphed Weapon (Must be worn to operate to change between styles)

Morphed Boots (Must be worn to operate to change between styles) 

Morphed Boots (Must be worn to operate to change between styles) 

Morphed Shield (Must be worn to operate to change between styles)

Morphed Shield (Must be worn to operate to change between styles)

To get the Morphed Weapons you will need to either get them from a drop by killing any of the Deoxys Bosses or buy them of players in game. Once you have obtained all 3 of the combat style weapons you simply just need to use 1 on another 1 and you get "Morphed Weapon" as seen above picture, this also applies to the boots and shields. When you click "Operate" you can switch between all 3 styles of combat picking what weapon you would want to use on your gear setup.

For all weapons and there special attack it deals 250% damage taking 100% of your special bar.

When you get you the "Morphed Weapon" the special attack deals 300% damage and takes 100% of your special bar. 

Deoxys Blade -

5% damage to their respective style

3lines 1tick

Attack Bonus -

20k Stab 

20k Slash 

20k Crush

Defense Bonus -

5k Stab

5k Slash

5k Crush

5k Magic

5k Range

Other Bonuses -

22k Strength

100 Prayer 

Deoxys Staff - 

5% damage to their respective style

2lines 1tick 

Attack Bonus -

7.7k Magic

Other Bonus -

75 Prayer

Deoxys Bow - 

5% damage to their respective style

Attack Bonus -

11k Range 

Defense Bonus -

1k Stab

1k Slash

1k Crush 

1k Magic

1k Range 

Other Bonus -

90 Prayer

Morphed Weapon-

When all weapons are combined you get 10% damage boost

Attack Bonus -

22k Stab

22k Slash

22k Crush 

9k Magic 

12.5k Range

 Defense Bonus -

5k Stab 

5k Slash 

5k Crush 

5k Magic 

5k Range

Other Bonus - 

25k Strength

Defender Deoxys Drops -

Common -

10t Bil Tokens

25t Bil Tokens 

50t Bil Tokens

100t Bil Tokens

200t Bil Tokens

1 Interdimensional Key

Purple EXP Astral

Yellow EXP Astral

1 Frieza Token

2 Frieza Tokens

Rare Drops - 

Deoxys Magic Shield 

Deoxys Range Shield

Deoxys Melee Shield 

10 Interdimensional Keys

(Deoxys Defender Core, no content for this at the moment) 

Speedy Deoxys Drops - 

Common - 

10t Bil Tokens

25t Bil Tokens

50t Bil Tokens

100t Bil Tokens

200t Bil Tokens

1 Interdimensional Key

Purple EXP Astral

Yellow EXP Astral

1 Frieza token

2 Frieza tokens

Rare Drops -

Deoxys Magic Boots 

Deoxys Ranger Boots

Deoxys Attack Boots 

10 Interdimensional Keys

(Deoxys Speedy Core, no content for this at the moment)

Attack Deoxys Drops - 

Common -

10t Bil Token

25t Bil Token

50t Bil Token

100t Bil Token 

200t Bil token

1 Interdimensional Key

Purple EXP Astral

Yellow EXP Astral

1 Frieza Token

2 Frieza Tokens

Rare Drops -

Deoxys Blade

Deoxys Staff

Deoxys Bow 

10 Interdimensional Keys

(Deoxys Attack Core, no content for this at the moment)

From MagePS Staff Team