Saturday, 06 May 2023, Views: 803
Prayer Guide
Buffs/Experience boost
Make sure that you use all of the xp boost that are available, Here is a list of experience boosts/buffs:Double experience items:
The potion is called a Double Experience potion which is used to get 30 minutes of double experienceThe middle item is calledWolf Ribs which is used to get 5 minutes of double experienceThe last item is called Raptor meat which is used to get 10 minutes of double experience
Experience boost via Firemaking skill:
Click on the Firemaking skill, This will teleport you to the Purple fire
When you are at the Purple fire you are going to use Elder Logs on the Purple fireThis will grant you with the following buffs
Welcome buff: Gives you 20% experience boost when at home.
Self Welcome buff: Gives you 10% experience boost everywhere you are.
These 2 buffs stack together.
Voting buff
Reading/Opening a vote book grants you a 10% experience boost for 15 minutes
10% exp skilling ring
This is a new ring that you can make via ::upgrade, it grants you a 10% experience boost.
You can have a total of 2 rings (1 in your fashion slot & 1 in your gear slot)Which in total will give you a 20% experience boost.
Experience per bones
Use them on the altar at ::home!
From 99 - 135 you can only use Slayer bones which are obtained by doing slayer
Easy Slayer Bones: Obtained by doing Easy Slayer, grants you a total of 104544 experience.(when using all of the buffs/experience boost listed above)
Medium Slayer Bones
Obtained by doing Medium Slayer, grants you a total of 209088 experience.(when using all of the buffs/experience boost listed above)
Hard Slayer Bones
Obtained by doing Hard Slayer, grants you a total of 348480 experience.(when using all of the buffs/experience boost listed above)
Elite Slayer Bones
Obtained by doing Elite Slayer, grants you a total of 696960 experience.(when using all of the buffs/experience boost listed above)
The new prayers
Green = Used with anythingBlue = Overhead prayerRed = Passive Damage prayerPurple = Active Passive prayer
You can combine a Gift of life with a Passive Damage prayer + an Active Passive prayer + an Overhead prayer
So for example Gift of life + Heavy Hitter + Kiss of Zeus + Soul splitter
Double Down (level 132) - 3% chance to double damage lines
(This prayer is not available yet, but will be in future updates)
From MagePS Staff Team